Troubleshooting common issues after installation

Troubleshooting common issues after installation

Setup fails to start or crashes

Ensure that .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and all latest hotfixes are installed.
If Setup.exe fails to start or crashes with .NET Framework error messages in the Event Log then it is most likely that the .NET Framework is not up to date.

Errors during installation

If an installation error occurs, an install log file is created in the same directory where the Setup files were extracted to. Look for files named SnapSeverInstall-*.log. The log file may also be accessible by clicking on a View Log file on the Setup Wizard.
If you can not find the install log files, you may have run setup.exe directly from the zip file (not recommended) and therefore they will reside in a temp folder.

The Content Manager navigation tree doesn't load or can't be clicked on

If you do not see the navigation tree, the navigation tree can't be clicked on, or parts of the page do not load correctly then this is due to the browser security settings in the web browser that you are using.

To correct this, please:

  • Ensure that the current site (the site where the Content Manager is running from, for example, http://servername) is added to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer

  • Ensure that the site about:blank is added to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer

  • Ensure that JavaScript is enabled in the browser.

Checking that a user is connecting to the SnapComms Server

Access the Content Manager.
Navigate to the Users -> Users part of the tree and observe the Last Connected date for the user.

Examining SnapComms Server Log files

The Snap Server produces log files in the Logs sub-directory of the installation folder where Snap Server was installed. These can be useful for general troubleshooting purposes.
The default location is: C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs

Examining SnapComms Client Log files

The Snap Client produces log files which can be useful for general troubleshooting purposes. Log files are generated on the client for each user running the Snap client. The location of the client log files is: %TEMP%\SnapClient\%USERNAME%\Logs

'Service Unavailable' Errors when accessing any of the Web Applications

If you get the “Service Unavailable” message from the Web Applications, this means the IIS Application Pool is not running or cannot start. Check in the Internet Information Services management console under Application Pools. If the Application Pool keeps stopping by itself, it is possible that the service account does not have the ASP.NET permissions assigned or ASP.NET extension is not enable.

To assign ASP.NET permissions:
Run the aspnet_regiis command from a command prompt:
aspnet_regiis -ga ServiceAccountName

You may need to include the domain name or computer name prefix in the ServiceAccountName.

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_regiis -ga VM-SNAP-APP-01\SvcSnapServer
Start granting SvcSnapServer access to the IIS metabase and other directories used by ASP.NET.
Finished granting SvcSnapServer access to the IIS metabase and other directories used by ASP.NET.

To enable ASP.NET extension:
Ensure that the ASP.NET v2.0.50727 Web Service Extension is enabled in IIS.
1) Click on Start Menu -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2) Double-click on “ISAPI and CGI Restrictions” feature
3) Ensure the “ASP.NET v2.0.50727” extension is set to Allowed. If not, right-click on “ASP.NET v2.0.50727” extension and click Allow. (Ensure this is done for the correct 32-bit or 64-bit version of ASP.NET).

If you do not see ASP.NET v2.0.50727 in the list of Web Service Extensions then ASP.NET has not been installed into IIS using aspnet_regiis -i.

Windows Authentication Mode does not work for logging into Content Manager

Windows Authentication mode requires a Kerberos Service Principal name if using a domain service account

If the Application Identity was configured to be a domain user account (as opposed to a local user account), AND you wish to use Windows Authentication mode, then a Kerberos Service Principal Name must be created due to design of IIS Windows Authentication feature.

To do this, the SetSPN.exe command is required from the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools.
After the SetSPN.exe command is installed, execute it first for the IIS computers NetBIOS name and secondly for the IIS computer's FQDN.
setspn.exe -S http/IISSERVER01 MYDOMAIN\SnapServiceAccount
setspn.exe -S http/ MYDOMAIN\SnapServiceAccount

Please refer to for additional information.

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