SnapComms Server - Change the Log Path

By default, the SnapComms server writes log files to the Logs subdirectory of the SnapComms server installation directory. By default this will be: C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs

  • It is possible to change the location where the log files are written, by editing the log configuration files.
  • Please note, that re-running the SnapComms server installation or performing an upgrade will overwrite the log configuration files and restore the log file path back to the default.
  • Please note, before changing the log file location that the new location has been granted the appropriate permissions to allow the application to write the log files.
  • If you are running SnapComms as a specific service account, grant Read/Write access to that service account on the log file directory.
  • If you are running SnapComms as a builtin account such as NETWORK SERVICE, grant Read/Write access to that account as appropriate on the log file directory.

Edit the log configuration files

1. Locate the SnapComms server installation directory. Normally this would be: C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server

2. Within the Web subdirectory, go through each of the child folders, such as ContentManager, CommService, etc.

3. Within each subdirectory, open up the file named log4net.config in a text editor.

4. Locate the line that says: <file value="C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs\..." />
    Replace the path with the new location where you want log files to be written.

    See example configuration file below:
<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date %thread %-5level %15property{RemoteIP} %36property{ConsumerInstanceID} %-70logger %message %newline" />
<file value="C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs\CommService.log" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<dateFormat value="yyyyMMdd" />

5. Save the log4net.config file and repeat for the remaining subdirectories of the "Web" folder.
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