By default, the SnapComms server writes log files to the Logs subdirectory of the SnapComms server installation directory. By default this will be: C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs
- It is possible to change the location where the log files are written, by editing the log configuration files.
- Please note, that re-running the SnapComms server installation or performing an upgrade will overwrite the log configuration files and restore the log file path back to the default.
- Please note, before changing the log file location that the new location has been granted the appropriate permissions to allow the application to write the log files.
- If you are running SnapComms as a specific service account, grant Read/Write access to that service account on the log file directory.
- If you are running SnapComms as a builtin account such as NETWORK SERVICE, grant Read/Write access to that account as appropriate on the log file directory.
Edit the log configuration files
1. Locate the SnapComms server installation directory. Normally this would be: C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server2. Within the Web subdirectory, go through each of the child folders, such as ContentManager, CommService, etc.
3. Within each subdirectory, open up the file named log4net.config in a text editor.
4. Locate the line that says: <file value="C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs\..." />
Replace the path with the new location where you want log files to be written.
See example configuration file below:
<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date %thread %-5level %15property{RemoteIP} %36property{ConsumerInstanceID} %-70logger %message %newline" />
<file value="C:\Program Files\Snap Communications\Server\Logs\CommService.log" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<dateFormat value="yyyyMMdd" />
5. Save the log4net.config file and repeat for the remaining subdirectories of the "Web" folder.
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