User Events Reports are useful to identify the activity of each asset once it has arrived at your target audience. The primary use for these reports is for trouble shooting if readership is questioned. The reports give you a list of events triggered by the client/user. The report can identify if the asset was downloaded, when it was viewed, if Snooze was activated, or a full screen mode prevented the user from seeing the notification.
The User Events report lists all of the actions for each asset from each users point of view. You can identify a particular user, and see exactly when they first downloaded the asset, when the first popup notification occurred, how long they opened the message for, and how many times they opened the message. It gives you all actions in a list for each user for the selected asset.
Note: The user must have downloaded the asset before the User Level information will show any data.
The default columns are described below:
Base User Name
Name used by the user when they log onto Windows.
Base Domain Name
Domain name used by the user when they log onto Windows.
Machine Name
The computer name.
Content Version
The version of the content you have selected in the report.
Client Time Stamp
Time registered by the SnapComms Client when the event occurred.
Event Code
This is a code used by our software that is unique for each event (see chart below).
Event Name
The name associated with the Event Code (see chart below).
Event Data
How many seconds (or milliseconds) the event took to transpire.
This field may also hold Error codes, Status codes or number of successes depending on the Event (see chart below).
Event Data2
The display mode or number of errors (see chart below).
Event Time Value
For Snooze, this table advises the start, end or checkpoint time (see chart below).
Event Text Value
Error messages given for any failures (see chart below).
1. Display Mode:
1=Urgent Alert - normal display
2=Urgent Alert - Level 2 Fallback (displayed as Message box)
3=Urgent Alert - Level 3 Fallback (displayed as Message box from system user context)
2. Status Code:
0=Script successfully applied
<>0= Error occurred, see EventTextValue for details
3. Suppression Reason:
1=Screen Saver active
2= Full screen application active
4=Workstation locked
Customize Columns
Additional columns can be added to your report by clicking on the Customize Columns button.
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