Using the Designer Canvas


The Designer Canvas is used in most SnapComms channels to help design engaging messages. The Designer Canvas provides drag and drop functionality to easily add customization to your content.

The Canvas has two modes:

Summary mode: The summary mode is the default mode and shows only a summary of the pre-set values and the editing window.
Designer mode: This mode allows access to the various drag and drop tools for adding content modules.

It is possible to move from one view to the other by selecting the "Designer Icon" button on the top left of the Canvas.


Picture of the drag and drop text block

Add a text block to the message content.  The text block toolbar includes the ability to add links, images, internal links (anchors) and to format the text.
Turning on 'Allow users to save link' will let your recipients save any file linked to, as long as they have access to the file location (Windows App only).

Picture of the drag and drop image block

Insert an image into the message. Supported formats are: GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, Max. 10mb/file

Picture of the drag and drop slideshow block

Create a slideshow of images and add into the message. Supported formats are: GIF, JPEG, PNG. Max 10mb/file
[Screensavers and Newsletters only]

Picture of the drag and drop video block

Add YouTube or Vimeo videos directly into the message.  It is also possible to enter the URL (address) for a video located elsewhere - supported format is MP4 (MPEG4).
[Video Alerts, Screensavers and Newsletters only]
Note: Microsoft Edge WebView2 is a technology for embedded web content in native applications and is one of the technical prerequisites for playing live stream YouTube & Vimeo videos on the SnapComms Windows App

Picture of the drag and drop web page block

Enter the URL for a website to have it display as a Screensaver or within your Newsletter. Note: Due to security restrictions, some websites may not show correctly so SnapComms recommends a test publication to ensure correct display.
[Screensavers and Newsletters only]

Picture of the drag and drop color block

Segment content with color. (Referred to as "Separator" in some channels)  

all - Copy (7).PNG

Insert a scrolling text block into your message.
[Screensavers and Newsletters only]

all.PNG Add customized sound to your message. This functionality is currently in BETA and must be enabled from Management > General Settings > Optional Features



Change between Summary and Designer Mode

Preview how the message will appear on desktop and mobile device

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