The Snapcomms - Microsoft Teams as a webhook integration allows you to send a message to a specific team in MS Teams when publishing an alert from the Content Manager. The following sections of this article detail the setup in both Teams and SnapComms to complete the integration.
Select a team and click Manage teams
Navigate to the "Apps" tab and click "More apps".
Search for "Incoming Webhooks" from the list of Apps, click the "Incoming Webhook" app then press "Add to a team".
Set up the connector to the team and channel you want the SnapComms messages to be sent.
Provide a descriptive name for the connector then click "Create".
Copy the Webhook URL generated.
Inside the Content Manager, navigate to Management > Integrations > Webhooks.
Under "Generic Webhook", assign a name and paste the URL from the Teams webhook into the URL text input.
Select JSON as Payload Type and toggle on the Customise JSON Payload.
Create a JSON payload. Microsoft has documentation on how to create suitable payloads found here, SnapComms also provides custom texts to insert into webhook messages such as #message# as shown in the sample below. This will print the text entered under the Message input textbox found when publishing a SnapComms alert to Webhook. Other special texts can be found when you hover over the text input for the custom JSON Payload.
Sample JSON Payload:
{ "@type": "MessageCard", "@context": "", "themeColor": "0076D7", "summary": "New message from SnapComms!", "sections": [{ "activityTitle": "SnapComms message", "activitySubtitle": "For team RIO", "activityImage": "", "facts": [{ "name": "Message", "value": "#message#" }], "markdown": true }] }
Sample SnapComms Alert Publish to webhook:
Once you've entered all the required fields, click Save.
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