How users are added to the Content Manager


By default, the SnapComms App automatically adds users to your Content Manager. Once added, those Users can then be targeted by your SnapComms Administrators when creating Content (Desktop Alerts, Tickers, Screensavers, Wallpapers, etc.) via the Content Manager.
You can also manually add users, or hide unwanted users within the Content Manager.


Access to the User & Groups menu is required to view and manage Users within the Users page.
This is managed within the Management > Administrators menu.

To give an Administrator access to the Users & Groups menu:

  • Navigate to Management using the left navigation menu
  • Click on Administrators
  • Click on the Username of the Administrator to update
  • Scroll down to Management Access and locate Users & Groups
  • Toggle it ON
  • Click on Save


Jump to:


How Users are automatically created

When a user logs onto Windows (via a machine that has the SnapComms App installed), the SnapComms App obtains the Windows User Principal Name (UPN) which consists of the User Name and domain they are logging on to (separated by an @ symbol) e.g. This action is performed at Windows Startup for any user logging into the machine. Every 6 hours (default) any details that have changed are updated in the Content Manager. You can change this default under the Windows App Profile section in App Management.

A valid User within the SnapComms solution comprises of both the User Name and domain part of the User Principal Name (UPN). This information is sent to Content Manager automatically and immediately, therefore populating the Users page with the new User Name, updating the Last Connected Date and Last Device against the user, and making the user visible for targeting in any Content.


How Users are manually created

Users cannot be created manually via the Content Manager. Instead, they must be created within a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. The CSV file is then imported into the Content Manager via the Users & Groups Sync feature (additional license feature) located in the Management menu.


You will find the details you need to use this feature here.

How to manage Users

User Statuses

In SnapComms Users can be Active, Disabled or Inactive. When Users are no longer required, they can also be deleted.

Active Users

All users that have recently connected to a SnapComms App are displayed on the Users page and are made active by default. Only active users are displayed and available for targeting when creating and publishing content.

By default, the Users page applies a filter to only show Active Users.


If any users do not appear in your list of users immediately (or within a few seconds), the SnapComms App may be having connection issues to the Content Manager, or the user has not yet logged on since the SnapComms App was installed.

Alternatively, the users might be Disabled or Inactive. Change the view using the Status column filter to view a specific user status or all Users. Read more about this here.

To make a User Active manually, select the User using the tick box located next to their User Name. Use the Activate button above the Users table. You can activate one or multiple users at once on the same page.


Inactive Users

By default, if a user hasn't connected their SnapComms App for a period of 30 days, they will be marked as Inactive. Once reconnected, their status will be set back to Active.

This default can be updated within the General Settings. Navigate to Management > Management Settings and click to display additional settings. Locate Inactive and Deleted User Settings and update the User Inactivity Period and User Reconnection Mode.

Disabled Users

Users can be manually disabled within the Users page. Disabled Users and their information will still appear within the Users page and within reports for content published during the User activity period. They however become unavailable for targeting when creating content.

  • On Windows, their SnapComms App history will show empty as long as they are disabled. Upon re-activation, the User will see all current messages targeted to them (as an individual or as part of a target group).
  • On Mobile, the User will be logged out and a message will show if the User tries to login "User has been disabled". Upon re-activation, the User will see all current messages targeted to them (as an individual or as part of a target group).
  • On Mac, the behaviour changes according to the authentication type. For SnapComms authentication, refer to on Mobile (above); for Active Directory authentication refer to on Windows (above).

To disable a user, select the User using the tick box located next to their User Name. Use the Disable button above the Users table. You can disable one or multiple users at once on the same page.


To re-activate the user(s), see here.

Delete Users

Users can be deleted when they leave your company or if they do not need to receive further communications through SnapComms. 

To delete a user, select the User using the tick box located next to their User Name. Use the Delete button above the Users table. You can delete one or multiple users at once on the same page (up to 1000 Users/page).


Upon clicking on Delete you will be offered 2 options to delete the User(s):


  • Delete (soft delete) will remove the User(s) from the Users page and from the targeting options. Reports will retain the User(s) and associated User information. This is the recommended option.
  • Permanently Delete (hard delete) will remove the User(s) and all associate User information from SnapComms, including reports. This deletion option can be used to conform with Personal Identifiable Information (PII) deletion regulations. ⚠️ This cannot be undone.

Note: The Apps must also be uninstalled in order to keep users from receiving further communications. A deleted user can reappear in the User list if their App connects to the Content Manager after their deletion.

Manage Users in bulk

Users can be Activated, Disabled or Deleted in bulk.

  • Filter or search the Users list to display the Users you wish to manage
  • Adjust how many rows (users) display in the table - the picker is located under the table.
  • Select users individually using the tick boxes next to their User Name or use the bulk tick box located in the header section of the table to select all users within that page
  • Click on Activate, Disable or Delete as relevant

Note: It is not currently possible to select users from multiple pages via the bulk tick box. To select more users at once, select 1000/page. Repeat on the next pages as required if you need to manage more than 1000 users.


How to find and export Users

Search for User

Filters and search options within the Users page can help you locate a specific User or Users that share common information (platform used, activity status etc.) or assist in identifying duplicates.

Filter and sort the Users list

By default, the filter applied to the Users list or table shows Active users. Filtering is not remembered, if you navigate away or refresh the page, the default filtering applies again.
Filters that currently apply to the table display as a label above it. To remove applied filters, use the close button within the filter label.

To filter the User list or table, locate columns that support filtering. They are identified by a gray funnel icon that appears orange when the column filter is applied to the table.

Not applied:




The columns that support filtering are identified here.

By default, the table is sorted by User Name ascending. The applied sorting shows as an orange arrow on the column header, up for ascending order (A-Z or 0-9) and down for descending order (Z-A or 9-0). 


To sort a column, simply click on the header. Once to sort ascending and a second time for descending. When navigating away from the Users page or refreshing, the default sorting applies again (User Name ascending).

Search the Users list

There are 2 ways to search the table for specific User or User information. The General search, located above the table next to the Export as... button searches within the entire table and all columns. The column-specific search, identified by a magnifying glass on the column header, searches through this column only.


Using the search options you can identify duplicate users. e.g. use the column-specific search on the User Name or Full Name columns to look for a User. The table will display all users that match the search query.

The same can be achieved using the General search to look into both User Name and Full Name columns at the same time. Note that it will also look through the other columns and display any matches found in other columns (Last Device, Domain Name, etc.).

Customize the Users list

The Users list table can be customized to display the User information you need.

To customize the columns, locate the Customize Columns button above the table and click on it.
Each column displays a tooltip on text hover to learn more about it. Further definition of each column is available later in this article. 
To add a column to the User list table, simply tick the corresponding box. To remove a column from the table, untick the box. 

The customized view is remembered when navigating away from the Users page or refreshing the page. To reset the view to the SnapComms default, click on Default at the bottom of the column customization drop-down. There you will also find the Advanced view button, to display our Advanced SnapComms default view.

customize columns opti.gif

Available columns:

Header Visibility Filtering Description
User Name Always visible Search filter Username in your company's User Directory
Status Always visible Status filter Status of the User in SnapComms: Active, Disabled or Inactive
Domain Name Default Search filter Domain of the user in your company’s User Directory. Note: was previously called Base Domain Name. The Domain Name field present in the old Users page was removed from the new table
Full Name Default Search filter Full name of the user in your company’s User Directory
Last Device Default Search filter The name of the last device used by the User to connect to the SnapComms App
Last Connected date Default Date filter Date and time the SnapComms App was last active. Shows in local time. Users that haven’t connected their SnapComms App for 30 days are marked Inactive. Once reconnected, their status is reset to Active.
Data Source Advanced Search filter Where the data for the User was gathered from (Active Directory, API, CSV Import etc.)
User Principal Name Advanced Search filter Unique identifier for the User in your company's User Directory, under the format
Last App Version Advanced Search filter The version number of the last SnapComms App client used by the User
Last OS Version Advanced Search filter The OS of the last device used by the User to connect to the SnapComms App
Last Platform Advanced Search filter The platform of the last device used by the User to connect to the SnapComms App
Mobile Username Advanced Search filter Username used on mobile devices
Mobile User Verified Advanced True/False filter Identifies if a user account has been verified on mobile. New Users are added as FALSE. If the user goes through the email verification process this changes to TRUE. For Users added via CSV (Data Source), if the import specifies a mobileusername and mobilepassword, they are set to TRUE, else FALSE. Status changes do not affect this.
Comment Optional Search filter Custom comment about the User in your company’s User Directory
First Connected Date Optional Date filter Date and time the User's SnapComms App was first connected
Created Optional Date filter Date the User was created
Distinguished Name Optional Search filter The name that uniquely identifies the user in your company’s User Directory
Last Update Optional Date filter Date and time the user info was last updated
Organizational Unit Optional Search filter Organizational Unit of the user in your company’s User Directory
SMS Optional Search filter If SMS is available and selected as a delivery method, this phone number will be used to target the User
Machine ID Optional Search filter The ID of the computer used.
Consumer ID Optional Search filter Unique ID of the user in the SnapComms App
Auto Created Optional Search filter Identify if a User was automatically created
Number of Groups Optional Count filter Number of active groups the User is a member of


User details

User details
To learn more about a User, locate the Action column located on the far right of the table and click on Details in the corresponding row for this User. This opens a window overlapping the Users page with 4 tabs:

  • Details: General information about the User.

  • Computer & Devices: All the devices this User has ever used the SnapComms App on.

  • Group Memberships: All the groups this User is currently a part of.

  • Attributes: All the Attributes associated with this User. 

From the User Details window, you can also Activate, Disable or Delete the User.
Any changes made to User details must be saved before exiting the window. If you wish to discard your changes, click on Cancel.

Export options


There are 2 Exports available from the Users page. To export, locate the Export as... button above the table. This drop-down has 2 options:

  • Export filtered Users: Exports all available columns data for the Users filtered within the table. Includes columns that are not displayed within the table at the moment of export.

  • Export all personal data from filtered Users: Exports all available information about the User that is not available or visible within the table. Includes Attributes.

Both Exports are downloaded as comma-separated value files (.csv) and can be opened in a spreadsheet editing software (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet, Apple Numbers etc.).

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For information on how machines are added to Content Manager, click How machines are added to Content Manager.

For information on how groups are added to Content Manager, click How groups are added to the Content Manager.




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