

The Dashboard is a simple way to easily visualize a range of metrics as well as quickly navigating through to the Create Content Page.

The Dashboard is the default Home Page for your Content Manager.*

Note: The default start page can be configured by clicking on Profiles >> Set as Start Page

There are six main sections on this page:

  • Create Content Button

  • Folders Button

  • Success Metric Widget

  • Reachable Users Widget

  • Message Reach Widget

  • Content Table



Create Content:

Pressing this button will navigate you to the Create Content Page where you will locate various libraries to create your next piece of content.

Find more information on the Create Content page here.  


Pressing this button will navigate you to the group folders view.
From here you will be able to navigate through various subfolders to locate your content.

Success Widget:

A quick Success percentage is displayed based on Published content* with a start date within the last 30 days.

* The displayed value does not include content published to a targeted audience of less than 5.
The number of messages considered is listed in the bottom left.
The displayed value is refreshed every 6 hours.

Reachable Users Widget:

A quick overview of Reachable Users who have connected recently and are available to receive SnapComms messages now.
This includes Users on Windows, Mac, and Mobile Apps.
The Last 30 days show how many Users were reachable over the last 30 days.

Message Reach Widget:

Message Reach is the cumulative number of Users that have been reached with SnapComms Messages. Reach means that each Message was downloaded and available to be read. The Last 30 days show Message Reach over the last 30 days. Read more in the Knowledge Base.

Content Table:
The Content table has two views available.

Recently Updated
All content recently updated will be displayed here.
This includes the following statuses: Draft, Published, Disabled, Expired.

Recently Published
All content recently published will be displayed here.
This view will also show content that has been recently expired.

My Content Toggle
Enabling this toggle will filter and display all content created by the logged-in user.


Release: 8th June 2021

Hover over the content name to load a live preview.
The preview is a snapshot based on the last save that occurred within the Content Editor.

Content Previewer

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